Here is a very uneventful, long-winded Teresa story:
Several months ago, we got an email at work saying we were going to get new carpet in our offices. We were all very excited. Hooray for new carpet. The last time our carpet was replaced was at least 10 years ago. The carpet is dirty, gross, and you can see the walk pattern in it. So, two weeks ago, the carpet guys come and start putting carpet in the lobby. Last week I received the very depressing news that only the lobby, back office, hallway, and two offices on my hall were going to get new carpet. Mine was not one of the offices. Very depressing. Well, then while they were installing the carpet in the hallway on Friday, the carpet guys got confused and thought that my office was one of the two that was supposed to get carpet. I was not going to argue with them. But then they figured out which office it was really supposed to get the carpet. Still no carpet for me. So then today they were putting the carpet into the office next door when they come in and start measuring my office. Turns out they have extra carpet so they can carpet one more office. Let's pause here because I know the suspense is killing you. You are sitting on the edge of your seat. Will Teresa get new carpet, or will she be left with the old stuff? You don't know what is going to happen next. As they are telling me they have enough carpet for one more office, they also inform me that my office is just a little bit too big. Again, no carpet for me. Sigh. And I get to here my director discussing which office will get the new carpet. How depressing. The dirt spots are just getting more enhanced by the second as I stare at my dirty old stinky carpet. Fast forward two more hours. The director, Karen, sticks her head in my office to inform me that she has pulled some strings and EVERYONE is getting new carpet! Hooray for new carpet! We will again be able to follow the five second rule when we drop something on the floor (right now we don't even want to touch it for fear of what might have contaminated the food for the few seconds it was on the floor).
Creating a life and home you love
5 years ago
Congrats on the new carpet. To be honest I really didn't think the story was going to have a happy ending...
you misspelled hello! it doesn't have that many l's or o's! thought you might want to know!
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