Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A Spelling Lesson

Did I ever tell you I won 3rd place in the 3rd grade spelling bee? Well, I did. While I would like to claim that that made me a great speller, I would rather admit to using spell check or an old-fashioned dictionary on a regular basis when I'm not sure if I know how to spell a word. Well, in my previous post, I decided to use the word "paraphanalia". As soon as I typed it, I knew it probably wasn't spelled correctly. Apparently the word has an "er" in it as in "paraphernalia". I am pretty sure I never knew that. But I was skeptical that Blogger spell check was always correct, so I checked the dictionary and sure enough, also spelled with the "er". Personally, I don't like it, so I'm either going to boycott the word or spell it the way I want to spell it or begin using it in everyday language on a regular basis and over-pronouncing the "er". Try it. Out loud. Don't you think it sounds a little like you don't know quite what you're talking about.

I just did spell check again, and apparently "paraphanalia" is still wrong! : )


Ashley said...

Its ok Teresa! I will totally stand behind you with the "ia" ending.

Anonymous said...

It's your blog and you can spell words anyway you want to! Be the rebel! :) Let's make t-shirts and spread the cause across the globe.

The shirt will read: "Stop the Madness....Americans for Paraphanalia" ;)

Erika said...

Today i learned how to spell Beautiful..
U tiful day.