So, I gained a rather interesting piece of information. I have a friend who reads my blog (how else would she know that I had a question about caffeine) but who refuses to comment (I told her to put the information on my blog herself). Personally, I think her not commenting on my blog has to do with the fact that I refuse to get Facebook, but I guess I can respect that : ). Anyway, she looked up caffeine for me in order to answer my question. I know, isn't she sweet! By the way, if I get any of this information wrong, it's not my fault. Blame her!
Caffeine is an alkaloid present in coffee, tea, chocolate, colas, cocoa and over the counter medicines. An alkaloid is one of a group of organic alkaline substances obtained from plants. So, it's naturally occurring in things like coffee and tea. When you drink decaffeinated coffee and tea, the caffeine has been removed and it is that caffeine that is used in other caffeinated beverages that don't naturally have it. Now, don't you feel smarter than you did yesterday?!
Creating a life and home you love
4 years ago
But how do they get all the bubbles in soda?
Storm, maybe you should find out the answer and post about it on your own blog!
You're an answer posted on a blog...
Carbon Dioxide is forced into soda bottles & cans and quickly closed...pretty cool! Try putting mentos in your soda bottles...
blah blah blah
Um, someone added the blah blah blah and it wasn't me. You can tell b/c the stormhuse is black, and not blue.
Just FYI, so people don't think I was being rude. I'm rude enough on my own...
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