Today you get the benefit of two completely unrelated stories because I couldn't decide which I wanted to blog about more!
I was having a conversation with my coworkers today which came up because one of them was drinking a caffeine free pepsi. I asked if caffeine free pepsi tasted different than regular pepsi (I don't think I've ever had a caffeine free drink unless it was originally made that way). In my mind I was really wondering what Dr. Pepper would taste like if it was caffeine free. So, my coworkers both said that there was a difference in taste, but couldn't really name how it tasted different. Then we started talking about what caffeine is really. Is it a chemical? Is it put into the drinks in powder form? Random questions, I know, but questions I have never considered. None of us had the answers. So, I still don't know. Maybe after I finish my posting I will google it.
Okay, second story. I was with one of my 12 year old clients today after school. In the space of 1 1/2 hours he called me lame, boring, and a liar. Luckily, I am also patient, understanding, and not easily offended! Plus, none of them were said antagonistically. And although the lame and boring references were directly addressed to me, I know he was really expressing his frustration because he really doesn't like to be in counseling. And he actually is one of my favorite clients and we normally have a pretty good time. I get to laugh with him a lot...and we actually laughed today. Random other story about him (I know, you didn't realize you were going to get a bonus third story during your reading experience!). He likes to change my radio station to rap when he is in my car. A couple of weeks ago, he was not listening very well while we were at the office, so I threatened to make him listen to country on the way home (extremely mature and therapeutic, I know. But it's the relationship I have with him.) So when we get in the car, he asks "what kind of music do you listen to anyway?" So, I turned on one of the country stations and Brad Paisley's song "Ticks" was playing (a hilarious song, by the way). He literally listened to about 5 seconds of the song and changed it back to rap, saying, "that song has no beat to it" to which I laughed hysterically. He might have even shuddered! To each his own, I guess.
Creating a life and home you love
5 years ago
Definitely differences in how most colas taste from their caffeine free counterparts. However, as a fellow fan of dr pepper I must tell you that caffeine free version tastes surprisingly similar. Just a little tidbit for you to know...
(btw - winner)
Funny stories! I love that you threatened to make your client listen to country music. That is hilarious!!
(ok storm! i give up! i can't compete with you anymore! you win!)
Jerelyn, there are so many ways to cheat at this game (your BFF is the author, you know). Oh, wait, I didn't really say cheat, I meant there are so many ways to get creative! Call me and I'll help you come up with an action plan. Haven't I taught you better stubbornness skills than that?
I also forgot that my client also called me stingy because I wouldn't buy him a snack. Oh, and apparently threatening country music is very effective, I had anothher 14 year old that I would do that with every once in awhile. I always managed to get some good counseing done after I threatened to make him watch a country video!
Do they make caffeine free Dr. Pepper? I don't think I knew that.
I am stubborn, but not near as stubborn as you are. Maybe I need some tutoring on becoming more stubborn.
Hopefully, no one will ever guess our creative way of cheating!
Oh, I didn't know either that there is caffiene free dr. pepper. but i googled it and yep, it's true.
Um, you need to update your blog! Your fans eagerly await...
For future reference, telling me to update my blog brings out the random stubbornness. It automatically makes me go into junior high mode and say "even though I was about to update my blog, storm told me I have to do it, so now I'm not going to." I only missed one day! Sheesh, it's not like it's been 7 months or anything!
Okay...So I am a little behind in your blogs. I have to check them on the weekend because tater tot keeps me on my toes during the week and you're blocked at work....I checked. Anyways, I consider myself somewhat a caffeine officianado (sp?) when it comes to what is out there that's caffeine free. That's one of those things you pretty much have to give up when you're pregnant or nursing! So I have drank a LOT of caffeine free Dr. Pepper, Coke, tea, and of course all those bubbly carbonated drinks that are already caffeine free. If you ever want to know if something comes caffeine free...I'm your woman!
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