Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I'm not Dead

Not that anybody has asked or seems concerned at all that I haven't posted since last Monday. Anyway, just in case anyone is concerned. I'm still here. I'm just boring. Nothing to talk about. No fun stories. Just another cold. So, someday I'll have something worth blogging about!


Anonymous said...

How funny that you posted this message. I checked your blog yesterday and thought, "HMMM, she hasn't posted for a long time." I check everyday to see what is new with you.
P.S. I don't think you are boring!

Anonymous said...

I check it all the time too. Its my happy place after being stressed out from work! Michele

Teresa said...

Michele--you figured out how to post!

stormhuse said...

Write something.

Anonymous said...

It only tOOK about a year and a half, but I broke the code on how to post comments! I'm in the new apartment, so you should come and visit. Michele