Monday, August 2, 2010

Dilemmas I have a dilemma. I got on here to be sappy and have a "moment." But when I signed in to blogger, I realized that this is my 500th post! Wow! I feel like I should have a completely different "moment" now. So, here's my solution. Make this about 5oo and then post again right after it... :)

Who would have ever thought I would have kept up my blog for almost 2 years! I love to write. I love the idea of keeping a journal/diary. I am a horrible failure at actually doing it though. So, when I started this blog, I honestly expected it to be something I would do for a couple of months and then get tired of and not do again. I guess I was wrong.

Other than that, nothing profound to say on this, my 500th post. Don't worry, I won't bore you with 500 things about myself, like I did on my 100th post.

1 comment:

Mom said...

I love your blog!