The problem with not blogging for a month is that I have a lot of Scripture Saturday thoughts that are going to go unattended. And the other problem with not blogging for a month (and the reason I am so unsuccessful at journaling) is that I want to include it all and play catch up, but I know I can't. So, here are some more recent thoughts.
Since the fall schedule has started, that also means I have started back to Bible Study Fellowship. If you have a BSF group in your area, I highly recommend this year's study on the life of Moses. The interesting thing about Bible study (well, there are lots of interesting things!) for me is that in life, in general, I do not like history. It was one of my least favorite subjects in school. But when I am studying the Bible, I LOVE the Old Testament. I am in Old Testament heaven right now because was are also studying Hosea on Sunday mornings in church! I think I like the Old Testament so much because I did not grow up in the church, so I didn't get all the Sunday School stories about the people in the Old Testament. And even if I did, studying them as an adult is so different. I also love how the Old Testament continually points forward to Christ and the redemption story. And how it teaches about God's patience and loving-kindness toward His chosen people.
The other thing I love about Bible study is how God connects many different things I am doing together. For the past two months I have been meeting regularly with a friend to do Scripture memory. It has been an amazing journey of discovering how much I choose to dwell on other things instead of God and how memorizing Scripture helps me to be able place more focus on things above instead of earthly things. We are currently memorizing Acts 7, which is a history chapter. And guess what I was memorizing as BSF started? The life of Moses. How cool is that?!
Okay, so that was the little bit of catch up that I am going to do, and now I'll let you in on some of the stuff I studied this morning.
When I complete my BSF homework for the week, I am continuing my way slowly through the psalms. This morning I studied part of Psalm 25: "Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long."
I love how it says "make me to know." God is gracious to instruct me when I am open and willing to hear from Him (and even sometimes when I am not so open!). The Hebrew for teach is to goad, teach, instruct. And the Hebrew for paths is a well-trodden road. I love the word picture this represents of God prodding me to take the well-trodden path of His Word so that He can teach me His truth. And here is the definition for truth: stability, certainty, truth, trustworthiness, assured, faithful, establishment, right, sure. God's Word is certain and established. It brings stability to this crazy life of mine. It is faithful and trustworthy. Oh how that just brings a great big smile of satisfaction and joy to my face! I love that He loves me and is faithful to me! And lastly, the definition for wait is to bind together. When I wait on the Lord all the day long, I bind myself together with His truth. Which, let me tell you, is so much better than going my own way and trying to figure things out on my own!
Creating a life and home you love
4 years ago
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