Monday, August 27, 2007

You'll Poke Her Eye Out

So, I was sitting on the couch on Friday (my first mistake), minding my own business reading a book. My stepmom was sitting next to me and Daynah was lingering close by. Apparently, no one cared that I was reading a book, because they kept including me in the conversation as if I was sitting there doing nothing. I was sitting with my feet propped on the couch. My stepmom was sitting with her feet propped on the coffee table. Daynah, as only a 13 year old little sister could do, began crawling under Amy's legs toward me. Unbenownst to me, Amy reached over and pushed my leg so that I would kick Daynah in the head! But little did she know that Daynah was going to turn her head at that exact moment, so that my big toe ended up square in her eye! Later, as the story was getting told to my dad, it got shortened to "Teresa kicked Daynah in the eye."Notice that there was no mention of Amy's part in the story! As if I was in complete control of my actions and had willingly plotted to stick my toe in her eye! In the words of Stephanie Tanner, "HOW RUDE!"


Whitney said...

I like the full house tie in!

Teresa said...

The Full House reference was put in specifically for my little sister who owns every season on DVD!