I have decided that 5 minutes with a 4 year old should be a mandatory part of any day! They are hilarious. One of my coworkers left the agency to get married, so I took over several of her cases. I met with the 4 year old today. He had me cracking up because he just speaks whatever is on his mind. We were doing a puzzle together. Every time I would stop to give him a chance to get a few pieces in he would say in a know it all voice, "Teresa, don't you even know how to do a puzzle?!" I would laugh and say, "Didn't you just see me put that piece in?!" Writing down the things he said don't do them justice because a lot of it is in the way he said them. Just take my word for it, he is one cute kid!
Teresa, I think you should write some children's books with all the funny stories you have!
Hey--you have cute kid stories too :) I can totally see my 4yo making a comment like that too....too funny. I should have taken that kid- would have been more fun than getting cussed out :)
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