Saturday, January 12, 2008


So, I had a dream last night that I was looking through a store window and saw some type of plaque with a wierd saying on it and I was trying to get a closer look so that I could write it down and post it on my blog later. You know a blog is an obsession when you start dreaming about it. Maybe I need professional help. Oh, wait. I am the professional.


stormhuse said...

Back when I was a blogger (I know, I know, once a blogger always a blogger, so maybe I'm a recovering blogger) I used to find myself in the middle of a conversation or situation and instead reacting or contributing to what was going on, I would be thinking about how I was going to write about this on my blog.

After that I figured it was time for a breather.

You know, a lot of professionals have their own professionals. At least the one on the sopranos did. Okay, maybe I should base my knowledge of what you do on things like the sopranos or analyze this.

stormhuse said...

I mean shouldn't base my knowledge...

Ugh, I should so proffread.

Teresa said...

or maybe you should proofread

stormhuse said...

Maybe you should use punctuation.