What a roller coaster ride the past two weeks have been! Today we had a meeting at 4:15 with the president of Children's Home and the employees who got their pink slips yesterday. The short end of a very long and
convoluted story is that I will have a letter in hand tomorrow rescinding my lay-off notice from yesterday. The longer story is this: the director of
DCFS was involved in a lawsuit as of last week saying that cutting various counseling services because of budget cuts was in direct violation of the
BH law. The judge decided yesterday in favor of kids in care and that the
DCFS director would not be allowed to cut any counseling contracts. So, as of today, the director has said that all counseling contracts will be issued within 5 days at current 2009 levels for the 2010 budget year. As far as I know, this means that I have a job for the next fiscal year! I am not very emotionally sound right now :). I am not jumping for joy yet because of the
roller coaster. And I'm still in the shock/denial phase. But as far as I know, this is only good news. Good news for the kids that I see and good news for my job!
Praise God! That is so great Teresa! I will continue to pray for the situation that everything goes well.
I am so happy for you and relieved for the kids and their families. Happy early birthday! Michele
That is good news!
Yikes! Roller coaster is right. So glad you got your job back. So sorry to hear about the emotional duress. Hang in there!! Enjoy a nice long and HAPPY birthday!
HOOOORAYYYY! I am so happy this worked out for you, the kids, the families, and your coworkers! What great news. Now, today, we can say prayers of thanks.
I hope everything settles down for you now. Love you!
I think I missed this entry until now so I'm happy your job is still intact. I've been praying for you!-- Celeste
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