Saturday, January 5, 2013

Happy 1/2 Birthday to Me!

Don't worry if you forgot to send me a present :).  I don't expect one.  The last couple of years I have actually forgotten it was my half birthday until someone else wished me a happy half birthday.  So, I thought that since I remembered this year, I'd wish myself a happy half birthday.  It is hard to believe I am half way to 34.  That's right, isn't it?  For some reason, my old age is getting to me and I'm second guessing my age!  Which is kind of funny because I was just telling someone a story about how I sometimes have trouble remembering how old I am because as I get closer to my birthday, I feel like it is more accurate to say, "I'm almost 34," than it is to say, "I'm 33." But then when my birthday comes, i can't remember what is my actual age! Silly me.  Emily also pointed out to me the other day that my profile on my blog says that I am in my early, early, early 30s.  Not so accurate anymore.  So as soon as I publish this to the blog, I'll go change that.  Anyway, that was a rambly post just to wish myself a happy half birthday.  Blessings to you on this first Saturday of the New Year!

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