Tuesday, January 22, 2008


It's a joke at work that we invent things to celebrate in order to have an excuse to eat out or bring in treats : ). My coworkers and I deny inventing reasons but do not deny the serious like of anything related to food.

So, in honor of my spiritual birthday yesterday, I had a party :). I do not celebrate my spiritual birthday every year, but I thought number 10 was significant enough to celebrate. So, I got a group of friends together and we went to Avanti's for dinner and then back to Kevin's house for dessert and fellowship. Kari made dessert, and was willing to make anything I wanted (she even said if I got the recipe, she would make Ann's apple pie!) So, we had apple crisp, cherry dump cake, and caramel fudge brownies. Oh, and ice cream! Then Kelli played guitar and we sang several of my favorite songs. I shared my testimony (for those who don't read my blog). And then we hung out and chatted. Oh, and it snowed on my spiritual birthday!!! What a great gift from God : ).

Thanks to everyone who helped me celebrate! I love having such a great group of friends! You guys are amazing!

1 comment:

julie said...

any excuse to party is completely valid.
really good idea!