Friday, March 30, 2012

Ab workout #2

Talk about up and down emotions. I went with a great group of friends to see the movie October Baby. I HIGHLY recommend it. I'm sad that it came out the same weekend as The Hunger Games because I feel like it is going to get overlooked because of it. But, you know the line from You've Got Mail, "Read it with a box of tissues."? Well, you might not know that line unless you've watched the movie a gazillion times, but believe me, it's there. Well, I'd have to say, "See it with a box of tissues." Even Emily cried and she has emotions of steel when it comes to movies. Us five girls then went to get ice cream and laughed so hard that I may have cried just as much as in the movie. Topics ranged from giving advice to Emily about the five stages you go through after crying at a movie. To how to know if a guy is hitting on you and what to do/say if he is. To I just happened to have my book in my purse (I forgot to take it out after work) and shared the gag me quote. You get the idea. We laughed A LOT. And I can feel it. And I have hit stage five of crying in a movie: my eyes are heavy and puffy and I am extremely tired. So off to bed I go!

1 comment:

Erika said...

That movie was sold out last weekend...when it came out too.
I should have warned you that you would all cry. Trust me..well it hit me more than others I guess.