Thursday, February 21, 2008

My Non-Post Post

So, I'm failing my readership. I haven't blogged since Saturday. I am a horrible person. Here are my excuses (in no particular order). First, it would help if I got home before 10:00. Second, it would help if I could get on the computer before 11:00. Third, apparently I'm going to be out of the country a week from today (actually I will be 13 1/2 hours into my first flight with only one more hour to go!!!). Fourth, I turned on my computer last night at 11:45 to post something only to discover that our Internet wasn't working. Fifth, the cats were out of food. Haha, just checking to see if you're still paying attention or if you're just skimming to see if this gets any more interesting. It doesn't. And I think it's all I have to say.


Anonymous said...

I was wondering what happened to you!! I can't believe your trip is less that a week away. A week from now you will be there. Be safe. I will think about you and pray for you every minute of every day.
I love you--hope you are feeling better.

Erika said...

I am so excited for you. My friends from China have just arrived back from thier conference and they say they love it there!