Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Mission Peoria 2014/ Post Two/ MetroKids

So, like I said in my last post, MetroKids happened each afternoon. The Mission Peoria kids lead neighborhood kids in games, worship, and a lesson.
This is boys against girls water dodge ball.

Notice in the above picture how the boys are all on the line to throw and the girls are hanging back as far as they can!  That's how I would play dodge ball too.  If I played dodge ball, which I don't!
I love this picture of Josh because he looks like a giant.  Which he sort of is, but don't get me started on that!
Max hanging with one of the kids in his his lap during the lesson.
Joseph in charge of the water slide.
And hanging with the little kids.
Rhane and Caitlyn hanging out with some older girls.
Gemini face painting, or arm painting...whatever you want to call it.
Most of the Mission Peoria kids let the neighborhood kids decorate them right back.  I love the look on Brainna's face in this picture!
Gemini and Brianna helping the kids read something during story time.
I love the heart the Mission Peoria teenagers have for the little kids they ministered to all week.  I know several kids came to know the Lord during the week!  What an awesome experience for the teenagers to be a part of that!

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