Thursday, February 7, 2008


The age I was 7 years ago.
The number it takes to win a hand of Blackjack.
7 x 3
3 x 7
The number of days until I leave for Thailand (technically, I will have been on the airplane for 10 1/2 hours of my 14 hour flight to Korea! Then there is a 4 hour layover and another 6 hour flight into Chiang Mai. I am SO excited [insert sarcasm here]). I really am excited about the trip, just not so sure about the flight time. But it's all part of the experience!


Erika said...

I'm So excited for you... So wish it fit into my schedule to go....

stormhuse said...

Chiang Mai? I thought it was Miang Chai...

Ashley said...

STORM!!! (deep sigh of relief) You are alive! You ended your last blog with ...more to follow...and then we never heard from you again. I have been so worried.

On a side note, your sister-in-law posted a comment on my blog! That made me so happy. Now I don't feel as creepy reading hers everyday.

Kari said...

That last part of your entry sounds vaguely familiar... like maybe I had a conversation about that topic? strange... great minds really do thing alike :)

Teresa said...

Storm, I really do hope that you make it to Thailand with the rest of the team! : )