Monday, May 26, 2008

And more on driving...

So, have you guys noticed the new campaign "Start Seeing Motorcycles"? Okay, it's not so new, but I've seen a lot of new signs recently. For some reason, it has cracked me up lately and I have a lot of conversations with myself in the car over it. Does the sign imply that I was purposely NOT seeing motorcycles before? I mean, was I subconsciously saying, "I am not going to see that motorcycle. Nope, I'm not going to do it." and I didn't even know it? Well, now whenever I see a motorcycle, I have to say to myself (or to the driver of the motorcycle, who can't actually hear me), usually out loud, "I see you." It makes me feel better. As if I have accomplished something in my day. : )

On my way home from Chicago, I saw this sign that made me laugh for a few minutes: "Stay with your disabled vehicle." A few miles down the road, I saw someone actually obeying the sign. How very rule-following of them.

Later this week, I will post some oh-so-cute pictures of my nephew who is now 6 MONTHS OLD! I was able to see him in Chicago all weekend. Super fun. He is adorable. Now I have to go to bed before I fall asleep while typing.

1 comment:

The May Family said...

ok, we need your address. can you send it to us at Include your phone and birthday!!