Monday, April 13, 2009

58 seats and 62 Koreans!

Yes, this is another Gilmore Girls quote. I can't help it, it seemed applicable to how we were packed into church for Easter service on Sunday! :) Ironically, I had to work in the nursery during 1st service and there was a grand total of 0 babies in the infant room!

Dad and Josh joined me for church which was a special treat for me. Amy and Daynah were in Arizona for the weekend. Pastor Chris preached on Luke 5. It's the passage of the calling of the first disciples (which, ironically I had just read for Bible study the day before!). Chris talked about four characteristics we can learn about Jesus from the passage. For me, it was a good way to reflect on who Jesus was, even at the beginning of His ministry. Because who Jesus was at the beginning of ministry is exactly who He was at the end of His ministry when He sacrificed His very self in order to give us new life in Him! I love that I can celebrate His death and resurrection each year, spending a weekend to reflect on it and praise Him for what He did for me!

Then Dad, Josh, and I went to Applebee's for lunch. After lunch I went home and took a nap! Then I did laundry and relaxed and read. It was a quiet afternoon that ended with a quiet evening. All in all it was a very relaxing Easter weekend.


Erika said...

There was no room in the Inn.. I had to go to the gym.

Peppermint0984 said...

I guess there was like 1,400some people total who attended. Sorry about there not being any babies - that's a bummer.