Friday, June 26, 2009

I survived the week!

It was my first full week of work in a REALLY long time :). But I survived. Even with the turmoil of losing my job and coming back from vacation. Today I saw my seven year old client. She likes to talk. A lot. Basically nonstop. You never know what she's going to talk about. Here is the conversation we had today. Well, really what she said to me because I didn't have to respond at all. "I wasn't feeling good yesterday. I had a stomach ache. And my mouth was really watery but I didn't throw up. I had diarrhea. But I'm not going to tell you what color it was!" As if I asked!!!

1 comment:

Mom said...

Very cute! At least she was talking to you! And maybe you were the only person who would listen. Great job Teresa. :)