Saturday, October 6, 2007

Chainsaw Kevin / My Future Husband

I've had this idea for a blog for at least a week now, but I was unsure I wanted to share it with all the world : ) but someone convinced me it was definitely a Teresa story worth telling. I, of course, have to preface my story with another story (would any Teresa story be worth anything without a preface to it? I think not!). So, when I moved to Peoria, I decided that I would let Dad and Amy "help" me find a husband. They knew more people in Peoria than I did and have more connections than I do. Let's just say after several months I decided their search for the perfect husband for me needed to come to an end. I realized their only criteria was he needed to be single and a Christian. They didn't care much if we were compatible or not, they decided that was up to me. So, I nixed the whole search for a husband. Well, recently, my dad informed me that he had found my husband. The day he told me this was a day I knew he had not been out of the house, so I was extremely curious as to how he found me a husband. Dad informed me that my future husband found him! Dad was outside when this guy shows up in the yard. He informs Dad that he lives down the road and just bought a chainsaw. He was looking for an excuse to use the chainsaw and noticed that we were in the process of cutting down a tree in the front yard and would Dad want help with that. Dad said no because he had a guy coming to cut down the tree. But apparently Dad and Chainsaw Kevin continued to talk because Dad found out a few more things about him (like that his name was Kevin). Not the important things like age, whether he is a Christian, or whether he is dating someone. But apparently from the conversation they had my dad decided I should marry Chainsaw Kevin. I, of course, reminded my dad of his track record in picking out husbands for me and tried to help him understand that a guy with a chainsaw doesn't necessarily instill confidence that he is the man for me. Not that I'm against chainsaws, but when that is all you know about a guy... So now every once in a while Dad and Amy suggest that we have him over to play euchre or for dinner. I just roll my eyes and tell them they can do whatever they want since it is their house, but if I happen to have plans that night, it is not my fault. It's been a couple of weeks and Chainsaw Kevin hasn't been by again. I guess if we do get married, I should stop calling him Chainsaw Kevin and if we start dating I might have to delete this blog posting, but for now I wanted you guys to get to know Chainsaw Kevin along with me!


stormhuse said...


Ok, now I have to back and actually read the post... mtf...

stormhuse said...

I think you should grab a big stick and go over to CKs and tell him that you're going door to door in search of someone who might have a chainsaw to help you cut your big stick.

But if his girlfriend answers the door then just tell her you have the wrong house.

Any more thought on frisbee Saturday afternoon?

Teresa said...

Sad, Storm. Did you seriously comment before actually reading the post...your competitive spirit is a little wacky! I read your second comment to my dad. He's a little sad that he didn't think of it first. I rolled my eyes and informed him that you guys are both crazy!